Learn & Laugh Blog

clients dont understand behavioral coaching
June 24, 2021

How to Communicate the Value of Behavioral Coaching

One of the most valuable services you bring to the table as a financial advisor is your ability to help clients identify biases and avoid making rash decisions based on fear or other powerful emotions. According to a study by Vanguard, this behavioral coaching alone accounts for as much as half of the value you […]
find next meeting items
June 24, 2021

Best Practice - Find Next Meeting Discussion Points

Financial Advisors, remembering what you need to discuss for your clients at the next meeting can be stressful. Especially if you just store that information in your memory. As David Allen writes in his Getting Things Done book, the first step is to get the information out of our heads and into a reliable system. […]
finding financial advisor handwritten notes
June 17, 2021

Best Practice - Organize and find your handwritten notes

Financial Advisors, there are little things in your practice that waste a lot of time and also add a bit of frustration. For example, when you take handwritten notes, how do you find what you wrote in it again? Let's say a year from now you want to find the anniversary conversation that you had […]
financial advisors document sending automation
June 9, 2021

Best Practice - Send Form CRS or ADV Part 2 automatically

Financial Advisors, you know how much time you waste when sending an email and have to find that PDF that you want to send to a prospect or a client. Or totally forgetting to send it entirely! Compliance will not exactly be ecstatic. Personally, I have forgotten to send that disclosure form or the attorney […]
June 9, 2021

5 Books on Running a Successful Advisory Firm that Every Financial Advisor Should Read

Whether you’re trying to grow a new practice or just maintain the competitive edge of an established one, you can always benefit from adding new insights and knowledge to your toolbox. One of the key methods for doing that is reading the latest research and business advice to stay up to date on new techniques, […]
June 8, 2021

Tuesday Comic - Ice Cream

Making your day brighter through comics.
tack critical investment info financial advisors
June 2, 2021

Best Practice - Track Critical Investment Policy information

Financial Advisors, when it comes to investment policy statements or even just other critical investment information, having an organized system will help you and your practice. For example, if a client has a favorite stock, or has an external account, how are you tracking this today and importantly, how do you pull this up in […]
Sales manager consulting client talking on phone in office
June 2, 2021

Explain Client Services on Handling a Mistake

As financial advisors, one of the greatest fears we have is losing a client. When a mistake happens, that fear suddenly feels all too real. It’s natural to dread that phone call or meeting where you have to explain what went wrong and confront an unhappy client. While it might not seem like it, mistakes […]
June 1, 2021

Tuesday Comic - Hands up

Making your day brighter through comics.
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