Learn & Laugh Blog

Marketing 101: Brand Building for Financial Advisors
February 28, 2024

Marketing 101: Brand Building for Financial Advisors (2024)

How do you differentiate yourself in a crowded market? This is a question that financial advisors grapple with daily. In an industry where a large percentage of consumers start their journey with an online search, building a strong, unique brand is crucial. What is a brand? A brand, in the context of financial advisors, is […]
How to Develop Client Intimacy During Virtual Financial Planning
February 15, 2024

How to Develop Client Intimacy During Virtual Financial Planning

Imagine connecting with someone in a way that transcends the physical distance between you, creating a bond that not only fulfills your professional needs but also feels personal and genuine. With virtual financial planning, this isn't just a possibility—it's now the norm in the post-Covid era. Surprisingly, 80% of financial advisors have found it easier […]
Navigating the Biggest Problems Financial Advisors Face
February 7, 2024

Navigating the Biggest Problems Financial Advisors Face

Are you aware that 91.7% of financial advisors are small businesses, managing less than $1 billion in assets? As a financial advisor, you are part of a rapidly growing industry that faces unique challenges. Yet, they also present opportunities for growth and differentiation. Let’s talk about these issues and some insights and strategies you can […]
Financial Advisor Value Statements: A Key to Client Relationships
January 31, 2024

Financial Advisor Value Statements: A Key to Client Relationships

Did you know that according to a survey, only 36% of the U.S. workforce was engaged in their organizations in June 2021, with 15% actively disengaged? The lack of engagement often results from the absence of a clear value statement, while employees dedicated to a greater purpose tend to be more engaged. In this guide, […]
How Future Self-Continuity Affects Financial Planning
January 26, 2024

How Future Self-Continuity Affects Financial Planning

Are you aware that your perception of your future self can significantly influence your financial decisions today? According to a study by Hershfield et al. (2011), individuals who feel a stronger connection with their future selves are 30% more likely to save for retirement. This concept, known as future self-continuity, is a psychological principle that […]
How to Differentiate Your Financial Advisory Business (Stand Out from the Rest)
January 10, 2024

How to Differentiate Your Financial Advisory Business (Stand Out from the Rest)

How can you ensure your clients place their trust in you? The CFA Institute's latest findings are telling: 86% of institutional investors and 60% of retail investors highly trust financial services, driven by personalization and technology. In a world where nearly three-quarters of millennial investors show a strong trust in financial services, setting your business […]
Customer Advisory Board Best Practices (Financial Advisors)
January 3, 2024

Customer Advisory Board Best Practices (Financial Advisors)

In the dynamic field of financial advising, every insight can propel you from the ordinary to extraordinary growth trajectories. Are you aware that an overwhelming 86% of businesses report that having a customer advisory board (CAB) has had a significant impact on their success? This is the essence of a client-centered strategy in action. In […]
How to Mitigate Transference and Countertransference Issues
October 31, 2023

How to Mitigate Transference and Countertransference Issues

Did you know a striking 97% of employers value soft skills as equally or more crucial than hard skills? This insight significantly applies to the financial advisory domain. Top-performing financial advisors excel not only in financial acumen but also in soft skills like emotional intelligence and client relationship management. These skills are vital in navigating […]
How to Navigate Clients’ Anxiety Around Change (Guide)
October 18, 2023

How to Navigate Clients’ Anxiety Around Change (Guide)

Did you know that a notable 64% of Americans report feeling anxious or stressed about money? This statistic has been underscored by multiple surveys, including the 2022 Policygenius Financial Anxiety Survey, which revealed that 64% of Americans are feeling anxious about their finances over the next 12 months​. If you're a financial advisor or coach, […]
How to Add Value to Client Relationships
October 11, 2023

How to Add Value to Client Relationships

Did you know that 72% of clients leave financial advisors due to poor communication? Transforming your client relationships from transactional to transformational has never been more crucial. Understanding your client's unique needs, maintaining open communication, and building trust are not just niceties—they're necessities. Understand Your Client's Needs As a financial advisor or coach, your primary […]
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