Learn & Laugh Blog

Get meeting notes better organized by using Tags in Pulse360 - a financial advisor software
December 8, 2020

Use Pulse360’s New Tag Feature to Keep Your Financial Advisor Practice Organized

How do you keep track of the important nuggets of information that you uncovered during a client meeting? When you promise to address a topic at the next meeting, how do you make sure you remember to put that topic on the agenda? Do you create tasks for yourself so that you’ll be reminded later? […]
Integration with Pulse360 and Wealthbox
May 20, 2020

Pulse360 and Wealthbox

Pulse360 and Wealthbox: Integration that supports your business growth As you know Pulse360 was designed with end-users firmly in mind. We set out to make your working life easier and more productive - which is why we’ve been proactive in ensuring that our software integrates seamlessly with other financial advisory systems you use.  Naturally, this […]
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