Learn & Laugh Blog

How Future Self-Continuity Affects Financial Planning
January 26, 2024

How Future Self-Continuity Affects Financial Planning

Are you aware that your perception of your future self can significantly influence your financial decisions today? According to a study by Hershfield et al. (2011), individuals who feel a stronger connection with their future selves are 30% more likely to save for retirement. This concept, known as future self-continuity, is a psychological principle that […]
How to Differentiate Your Financial Advisory Business (Stand Out from the Rest)
January 10, 2024

How to Differentiate Your Financial Advisory Business (Stand Out from the Rest)

How can you ensure your clients place their trust in you? The CFA Institute's latest findings are telling: 86% of institutional investors and 60% of retail investors highly trust financial services, driven by personalization and technology. In a world where nearly three-quarters of millennial investors show a strong trust in financial services, setting your business […]
How to Navigate Clients’ Anxiety Around Change (Guide)
October 18, 2023

How to Navigate Clients’ Anxiety Around Change (Guide)

Did you know that a notable 64% of Americans report feeling anxious or stressed about money? This statistic has been underscored by multiple surveys, including the 2022 Policygenius Financial Anxiety Survey, which revealed that 64% of Americans are feeling anxious about their finances over the next 12 months​. If you're a financial advisor or coach, […]
Value Proposition Inscription on the Modern Illustation with Blue 3d Arrow and Doodle Icons Around. Value Proposition Drawn on White Brick Wall. Illustration with Hand Drawn Icons. 3d.
December 22, 2021

Why you need a unique value proposition and how to create one?

Too few advisors understand ‘the value’ of a value proposition - or how to go about creating one. But unless you identify and express your value to clients you won’t achieve success in this industry. Because, unless prospects understand what you do and why you do it, they won’t be convinced about your worth. In […]
What’s Changed for Financial Advisors amid the Covid 19 Crisis?
August 13, 2020

What’s Changed for Financial Advisors amid the Covid 19 Crisis?

As markets reel in response to the recent pandemic, the financial advisory industry faces a host of uncertainties. Clients are seeking advice and reassurance, while advisors have their own worries and investment challenges. As well as finding new ways to deal with clients, advisors have had to navigate administrative issues and furlough or even make […]
May 16, 2020

5 Challenges Facing Financial Advisors

It’s difficult enough keeping clients invested throughout routine market downturns. At the moment, however, we’re experiencing exceptional levels of market decline - creating unprecedented panic and fear among investors.  As a financial advisor, you must focus on allaying your clients’ concerns. You also need to find ways to continue growing the business; that’s not an […]
May 14, 2020

Founder to CEO Podcast

Our CEO, Anand, was graciously invited by Todd Uterstaedt to share his learnings on creating a startup and the challenges that come with that. Todd has an amazing podcast (check it out here: From Founder to CEO Podcast) from many famous CEOs, including Eric Yuan of Zoom and Seth Godin. You should subscribe to his […]
Crystal Ball
March 14, 2020

Startups, what do you do now?

I wanted to share with you my thoughts on the current Coronavirus environment that we all find ourselves grappling with. Like many of you, I have gone through uncertain times - DotCom bust and subsequent recession of 2001, September 11, Enron, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, SARS, Swine Flu, Ebola, MERS, 2008-2009. However, unlike most of […]
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